Latest news


The latest goings on in and around the world of PiBorg.

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Our most powerful board to date, Diablo is nearly ready.

Here are a couple of shots to feast your eyes on:

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Check out our new external resources page for links to more project ideas, tips, and tricks.

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We now have a new one-line install command to simplify installing PicoBorg Reverse:
bash <(curl

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In case you missed the article in print, Linux User & Developer have uploaded their tutorial on making XLoBorg into a game controller here.

You can check out a full list of Linux User & Developer uploaded Raspberry Pi articles here.
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Check out our PicoBorg Reverse playlist on YouTube.

We will be adding more videos showing various uses of PicoBorg Reverse:

  • Getting started and using DC motors
  • Controlling a stepper motor
  • More motors using more than one board
  • Using the taco inputs
  • Programming the board for more advanced uses
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This is the GUI we use for the multiple PicoBorg Reverse demonstration we take along to Raspberry Pi Jams.

The code is based on the example provided by the installer, modified to talk to four boards, control a stepper on one of the boards, and show pictures on the various motors attached.

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Check out our new LedBorg installation:

The new version of the LedBorg setup has the following benefits:
  • Easier to install and get going
  • No kernel driver required
  • A set of lessons to help you learn Python with LedBorg
  • PWM support now provides around a million colours
  • No more problems after performing updates
  • The same downloads for all Raspberry Pi versions
Updating is simple, just go to the new LedBorg installation page and follow the instructions.

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The new Raspberry Pi B+ is about now, all of our PiBorgs are compatible.
Make sure you plug any boards with a 26-pin header on the first 26 pins of the B+:

These are the first 26 pins:

Click on any of the images for a larger copy.

See for more info on the new B+.
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Our new Raspberry Pi B+ arrived this morning, here is a quick photo of all the usual PiBorgs attached at once:

And the same photo with our home-made eye protector ^_^

There is no hole for the mounting kit like the Rev 2 boards had, however you can simply use the mounting post upside down and have it sit on the board.
If you do not have a mounting post for the TriBorg be careful, without it the TriBorg can touch the HDMI connector which would be bad!

Notice the strange placement of XLoBorg?
XLoBorg only needs to be connected to the first six pins, this means we can connect it on top of the daisy-chain connector on the PicoBorg Reverse.
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Check out our Arduino library for PicoBorg Reverse!

The attached ZIP file contains the library and a simple example to get you started.

The example includes wiring instructions for most Arduino boards and a detailed explanation in the code comments.
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Diablo, our most powerful control board to date, has now been released:

Supports a wide range of motors and hobby boards:

Large screw terminals provide an easy connection for motors and batteries without sacrificing capability:

Works with all models of Raspberry Pi: Model A, Model B rev 1 and rev 2, Model B+

See our Diablo page for more details.

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Wondering if one of our boards or kits supports your Raspberry Pi model?

All of our boards and kits now have a compatibility table for each of the Raspberry Pi versions:
Model A, Model B Rev 1, Model B Rev 2, and Model B+.

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Check out our new BattBorg if your want to power your Raspberry Pi from AA batteries:

Check out our time lapse video of BattBorg running a Model B+ for over 14 hours from 8x 2700mAh AAs:

Compatible with Model B+, Model B rev 1 & 2, and Model A.

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We love turning Raspberry Pis into robots, but not all robots are built equal.

Our new DiddyBorg is deisgned to be powerful, rugged, and grippy.

He is capable of climbing steep inclines, coping with bumps and falls, and a perfect platform for using the Raspberry Pi camera to view his surroundings.

Check out some of what he is capable of:
Diddyborg Autonomous Raspberry Pi Robot

More of him ball following:
Raspberry Pi robot DiddyBorg Autonomously following a Ball

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We have added some new motors to our accessories list:

Check them out here

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Raspberry Pi 2 compatibility

Some of you have asked about the compatibility of PiBorg products with the Raspberry Pi 2, so here is a quick list to make it clear


  • PicoBorg Reverse
  • Diablo
  • BattBorg
  • XLoBorg
  • DiddyBorg
  • Wifi Module
  • Bluetooth Module

Partial compatibility

  • LedBorg (temporarilly a software fix is required)
  • PicoBorg - due to RPi.GPIO problems, requires development release
  • TriBorg (due mounting hole)


  • Our Clear Raspberry Pi Case
  • Picy

A note about RPi.GPIO problems

PicoBorg Reverse uses I2C and works fine.

PicoBorg (original) requires latest development version of RPi.GPIO see RPi.GPIO install instructions

LedBorg can function using WiringPi2-Python

If you follow these instructions you can manually build a copy which can drive the GPIO pins:

cd ~
git clone
cd WiringPi2-Python
rm -r WiringPi
git clone git://
mv wiringPi WiringPi
cd WiringPi
sudo ./build
cd ..
sudo python install

After this the normal scripts should be able to control the LedBorg again.

There is a problem however, using the PWM control seems to result in the LED flickering at present.
This seems to be a problem with the system usleep command.
The command is meant to wait for a specified time, but it seems to be waiting too long!

We are hoping that either the usleep command gets fixed soon, or somebody provides a workaround.

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