Licensing FAQ
The software is licensed under the creative commons CC BY-NC-SA
Q) I want to change the software and use this for my own purposes / use this for educational purposes. Can I do this?
A) Yes, provided it is not sold.
Q) I want to use or change the software for commercial purposes. Can I do this?
A) Contact us to request permission to do this. This is usually free and typically the answer would be yes, provided your product contains a PCB purchased from or an authorised reseller.
Q) Can I use parts of the code in non PiBorg related projects?
A) Yes, provided it is not used for commercial purposes. If you wish to use it for commercial purposes, contact us to request permission.
The hardware is protected by copyright.
Q) I want to change the Hardware and use this for my own purposes / use this for educational purposes. Can I do this?
A) Yes, provided it is not sold. If it is to be sold, it must contain a PCB purchased from or an authorised reseller.
Q) I want to use PiBorg in my x product to sell can I do this?
A) Yes – provided each product you sell contains a PCB purchased from or an authorised reseller.
Q) I want to add components / delete components / change components or connections and sell the hardware.
A) This is permitted provided it is done on a PCB purchased from or an authorised reseller.
Q) I want to modify the PCB / print my own PCB / regenerate the PCB
A) This is not permitted under copyright. The schematic and PCB are copyrighted. Each PCB must be purchased from or an authorised reseller. The schematic is provided for information purposes only. You may not regenerate the PCB from the schematic or modify the schematic and regenerate the PCB.
Q) So how can I make changes to the PCB and sell it?
A) Contact us if you would like changes, and for a small fee, we may be able to produce a version specific to your needs.
Q) I want to purchase in bulk for resale or integration.
A) Contact us for bulk purchasing discounts.