How can I connect BOTH a UltraBorg and a Picoborg Reverse to my Pi GPIO ?
Tue, 09/15/2015 - 10:30
The simplest way to do this is to use the daisy-chain connector on one of the boards.
Simply connect the two 3-pin cables from one board to the Raspberry Pi, and from the second board to the daisy-chain connector on the second board.
For example:
Here are the connections on the PicoBorg Reverse. The UltraBorg would be where the right-hand PicoBorg Reverse is.
Here are the same connections on the UltraBorg. The PicoBorg Reverse would be where the left-hand UltraBorg is.
Tue, 09/15/2015 - 10:30
Connecting an UltraBorg and PicoBorg Reverse to the same RPi
The simplest way to do this is to use the daisy-chain connector on one of the boards.
Simply connect the two 3-pin cables from one board to the Raspberry Pi, and from the second board to the daisy-chain connector on the second board.
For example:
Here are the connections on the PicoBorg Reverse.

The UltraBorg would be where the right-hand PicoBorg Reverse is.
Here are the same connections on the UltraBorg.

The PicoBorg Reverse would be where the left-hand UltraBorg is.