DiddyBorg PS3 controller
I have mostly got my DiddyBorg working and fine tuning it and wrapping up loose ends.
I have followed the many guides to get this working. I have installed sixad/sixpair and it appears to be working for the most part.
When the system boots, it loads sixad from the /usr/bin/ directory. What I am needing is to autoload the controller script 'ps3DiddyJoy.sh' also. What is happening is, when I get the system powered up I have to go to a terminal and run './ps3DiddyJoy.sh' in order to control the bot. When I run ./ps3DiddyJoy.sh it gives this message:
sixad is already running.
run '/usr/bin/sixad --stop' to stop it
Loading PicoBorg Reverse on bus 1, address 44
Found PicoBorg Reverse at 44
PicoBorg Reverse loaded on bus 1
Waiting for joystick... (press CTRL+C to abort)
Joystick found
Press CTRL+C to quit
After I run './ps3DiddyJoy.sh' I am able to control the bot. How do I automate this process? Ideally, i would like to have this setup so that a terminal would not necessarily be needed, it just boots up and is ready to go.

Thu, 03/24/2016 - 13:43
Autoloading scripts in Raspbian
The easiest way to do this is to run the script in
.There is a good guide to editing
The line you will need to add is:
/home/pi/diddyborg/ps3DiddyJoy.sh &