Combination of Ledborg and Picoborg
I would like to combine the ledborg with the picoborg so that when the raspberry pi gets overheated the ledborg turns red and if the raspberry pi is cool the ledborg turns blue. How could I do this without paying for a custom part? I do not know python. I would like the python code and the mechanical info. Thank you and have a nice day.
I am sorry if this is in the wrong place.

Fri, 10/18/2013 - 13:10
There are some scripts already
The LedBorg can be used to display temperature using the BakedPi scripts, or
The PicoBorg can be used to drive one or more fans for cooling based on temperature using the ChilledPi scripts, or
You could run both scripts at the same time from different terminals or using cron, if you really want them as a single script it should not be too hard to combine them into a single script by following the comments (lines starting with
).As for connecting both up to the Raspberry Pi at the same time, you could either solder wire yourself between the two boards, use a breadboard or similar to connect them, or you could use a GPIO replicator such as TriBorg