MagPI Robot with Zeroborg and yetiborg-web control pyhton script
I just changed from rock candy control to web control with camera.
In the MagPI magazine one should use, after download, this file is not available.
So I tried to use .... it works so far, but steer works only if I want to drive forward and backward.
Pushing Turn Right: front wheels are running.
Pushing Turn Left: back wheels are running
What does spin left / right really means?
Pushing Spin left: front wheels are running back / back wheels are running forward
Pushing Spin right: front wheels running forward.
I think, I have to change ports on the board leading to the gear motors.
Do you have an idea which one to which ports or can I change it in the pyhton script?
Many thx in advance ...
kind regards

Thu, 07/13/2017 - 16:25
Permalink control
If you pick the robot up and try the buttons you should see the following behaviour:
The motor outputs are set by these lines:
This means the code expects the motors to be wired as:
You may also need to swap + and - connections so that all four motors run forwards when Forward is pressed.
Sun, 07/16/2017 - 11:56
Hi works,
Hi works,
many thx whereever you are ...
kind regards