Ball following motors not activated
I am using the yetiborg ball following code. I do get feedback on the screen but it looks like the readings are below the expected values. E.g. Drive Left 0.29 and Drive Right 0.27 at 60 cm and 0.70 and 0.71 at 1.5m. The motors are not activated. yetiSequence etc. work fine. Using Zeroborg and ZeroCam. Any suggestions?

Mon, 09/25/2017 - 10:49
Bug in the script
It looks like there is a bit of a mistake with the script and the
adjustment (for the motor voltage) is actually done twice :(All you should need to do is delete this line in the "Setup the power limits" section:
After that the readings should reach
at maximum distance.If the YeitBorg is still struggling to move at lower distances you can also turn
up a bit, something like0.5
might work better.