Stall Currents


Hi - I'm weighting up my options for motors / motor controllers for a pi robot. Your motor specs give a 'rated current'. Can you tell me what this means? Is this under load at 12v? Can you provide stall currents for your motors (presumably at 12v), so I can ensure I have a suitably rated controller?

I'm interested in:

25mm motor 100rpm
28mm motor 590rpm
37mm motor 300rpm
42mm motor 450rpm

Many thanks,


piborg's picture


I did some simple tests. The no load and stall currents are below.

Motor Type Motor Voltage No load Current Stall Current
P20UK6 6V 0.03A 0.5A
P25UK12 12V 0.08A 2.0A
P28UK12 12V 0.17A 1.8A
P37UK12 12V 0.11A 2.7A
P42UK12 12V 0.72A 12.0A

I would definately recommend a Diablo if you are using the 42mm motors, but a ThunderBorg should suit all the others nicely.


That’s fab - super helpful -thank you. That 42mm motor is a beast!

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