Hi, fairly new to raspberry pi's and electronics but have a fairly good understanding of programming and linux. I am running ubuntu server on my pi (not that it should be relevant to this discussion, just mentioning it in case). I would like to make and program a drone preferably using python because I am lazy and like easy solutions. Therefore, I have an idea of what I want to do but am unsure about the specifics. I know I want to use the BlueDot api to remotely control the drone from my phone. I know I need 4 motors with variable control for each one individually (preferably using the gpiozero python lib). I also need a gyro/accelerometer to measure orientation for automatic stabilisation. I have a raspberry pi 3 B+. The things I am unsure about is what motor driver board I should use (ZeroBorg looks promising), which motor I should use (these two points are closely related of course) and gyro/acc board (thinking MPU-6050).
Thank you for taking your time to read this,

Wed, 05/08/2019 - 21:15
Motor selection
Probably the first thing you should try and figure out is the motors.
Ideally you want the lightest motors you can find, but still powerful enough to provide enough thrust to keep the drone in the air. This depends on both the weight of the overall drone and the size of the props you want to use. Larger drones will be heavier, but they are usually easier to control.
This blog might be helpful for figuring out the right motors for your build: https://quadquestions.com/blog/2017/02/22/choose-right-size-motors-drone/
You will also want to think about battery weight. Usually lighter batteries will mean a shorter flight time, but they will keep the overall weight down and are required for smaller drones.
As long as the motors you are using need 1.5A or less each and the battery voltage is under 10.8V then ZeroBorg with a Pi Zero should work well :)