PiBorg Status
Hi guys,
Just got your last YetiBorg (wasn't aware of it's demise), and now I'm looking to move to the MonsterBorg for my project. I'm concerned that I'm not seeing a lot of activity on the forum... is the PiBorg company still doing well, and am I safe to move to the MonsterBorg? (was is the life expectancy of MonsterBorg?)
I'm hoping all is great with you, etc... i just need confirmation on the company health before i spend a lot of time and effort on a project, that, if goes to market, will have a few years of life in it.
Fred Johnston, Canada

Sat, 12/28/2019 - 11:37
Still going strong
It is generally quiet on the forum around Christmas as we do not get too many technical questions this time of year. Mostly we expect one or two people who need a bit of a hand getting their new kit going :)
We like to keep our robot kits going for as long as possible so that any groups involved in education can get additional kits and replacements if they need them. As MonsterBorg is our best selling robot we are planning to keep making while they are still compatible with the available Raspberry Pis.
We mainly retired YetiBorg V2 because we are no longer able to supply the kit with a pre-soldered Pi Zero as advertised. As none of our other kits come with a Raspberry Pi included it is not a reason that will affect them.
The only other robot kit we have retired was the original DiddyBorg, which was replaced with the DiddyBorg V2. This was an upgrade to our oldest robot kit to improve its capability.