ultraborg not found when chained to a piborg reverse
Hello hope you are doing well,
I got two ultraborg boards (one year ago and believe me i just open the bag),,, one of then is not detected i tried reinstalling and not success,, but forget about it (wait, something else i can try on it?)........ the other one is detected only if i connect it directly to the raspberry,,, but if i chain it at the end of a piborg reverse it is not recognized,
when directly connected to raspberry
print UltraBorg.ScanForUltraBorg()
Scanning I�C bus #1
Found UltraBorg at 0A
1 UltraBorg board found
when chained
print UltraBorg.ScanForUltraBorg()
Scanning I�C bus #1
No UltraBorg boards found, is bus #1 correct (should be 0 for Rev 1, 1 for Rev 2)

Sat, 04/18/2020 - 22:33
Things to try
As the UltraBorg itself works the problem is probably elsewhere.
I have four suggestions you can try:
From your output I see you have changed the UltraBorg to address 10 (0x0A). If the PicoBorg Reverse is also using this address the boards will get confused. The default address for a PicoBorg Reverse is 68 (0x44)
It is possible that the cable with the I2C signals is making a poor connection and causing the problem.
there is a delay between asking for a value and reading the answer. It is possible this needs to be made a bit larger.Look for this line:
and change the value to
(one less 0).From our experience the UltraBorg is more picky about the connection and this way around works better.
One of them should fix the problem for you :)