UltraBorg Tuning Updates
I am desperately trying to get the UltraBorg to work on a new version of Raspbian Buster RPi3.
I have located the UltraBorg3.py file but the ubTuningGUI (and others) are dated (modules missing etc) I have been trying to update the tuning program to use tix or ttk as Tix is no longer supported, but I am not an experienced programmer and have not been successful.
I am using Python3.
I originally bought a MonsterBorg Chassis and ThunderBorg Motor Driver Board and later an UltraBorg Servo / Distance Sensor Board for PiWars 2018. We are now re-using the chassis for PiWars 2021 and I have fitted a Nerf Launcher which relies on Servos to load and aim, but now need to update everything so I can set min an max servo settings.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Mon, 02/08/2021 - 16:16
Updated GUIs or Python 3
No problem, the changes are largely due to modules being renamed slightly :)
I have attached the updated GUI examples as a zip file and listed what the changes are below.
1. Import the new module name for Tix instead:
2. Remove the old Tix check line:
3. Change the Tk initialisation line from:
4. Rename
anywhere they are used.