PiBorg as a .NET implemenation - not just ThunderBorg

Hey @PiBorg

I've ordered some more hardware that I plan to migrate and/or implement a C# library for to augment / substitute your Python libraries for. To that end, I was considering renaming my entire project to something like PiBorgSharp or something along those lines. Do you have objections to the use of the PiBorg name in that manner? Would you prefer I use something else? Suggestions?


piborg's picture

We are happy for you to use the name PiBorgSharp for your project :D

There haven't been any plans to make any "official" C# / .NET library, so having a project we can point to (credited of course) would actually be incredibly helpful.

I have stickied your ThunderSharp post so it stays at the top for others to find.

Hey... I'm looking at the website, and finding a list of the boards that you have is ... difficult. Do you have a list of the boards in one place? I'd like to make my naming consistent with your naming so that it's obvious which libraries go with which board.

Preferably, a list of boards and what they do would be awesome.

With links to your Python code would be awesome-er. :D


piborg's picture

I think this is a full list of the PiBorg developed boards which have been released. Links for the software downloads where applicable :)

Motor drive boards

ThunderBorg - Dual 5A motor controller with 5V regulator, RGB LED, and voltage monitoring

PicoBorg Reverse - Dual 5A Motor Controller
The code uses PicoBorgRev to remove the space and make the name a bit shorter

Diablo - Dual 55A Motor Controller

PicoBorg - Quad 2.5A Motor Controller (forward only)
GPIO controlled (minimal software)

ZeroBorg - Quad 1.5A Motor Controller (optional regulator and IR sensor)

Sensor inputs

UltraBorg - PWM Servo Control w/ Ultrasonic Sensor Support

XLoBorg - 3-Axis Accelerometer & Magnetometer (Motion Sensor)


TroPi - 5x RGB LED board
GPIO controlled (very simple library)

LedBorg - RGB LED board
Retired - GPIO controlled - software was provided as a set of lessons :)

Boards without any software

BattBorg - 5V power board

TriBorg - GPIO Triplicator (26 Pin)

TriBorg Plus - GPIO Triplicator (40 Pin)

Any objections if I put the code up on GitHub? If you do, I'll keep them aside.

piborg's picture

Sharing the code on GitHub is fine :)

Hey Everyone:

Are there any of you out there interested in testing and/or helping? Come on over to:


I'd love to hear from you! I'm ecstatic that in this short a time my first attempt had 200 downloads in a week and a half! I'm planning on doing C# libraries for the Diabolo, the PicoBorg, the TroPi, and the UltraBorg. (In fact, I have them en route right now, but don't tell the wife. LOL)

See you over there! Testers, coders, ideas, issues, bugs, enhancements, all welcome! The worst I can do is say "no". :D

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