Recovering a 4 year old project..
I spent um, to much time trying to build various projects using PiBorg controllers and other bits but now want to have another go! Especially as along the way I got into 3d printing...
So will PicoBorg Reverse and Ultraborg etc work with the latest Buster, does the PS3 still connect (with a few issues)?
I was amazed that my big 4 wheeler worked after sitting in a box for 4 years inc good battery charge! The PS3 needed re pairing and charging but all was good!

Wed, 04/07/2021 - 22:11
Raspbian Buster
Everything should work fine with Buster :)
I don't remember how long ago it was, but we did update the scripts at some stage for both PicoBorg Reverse and Ultraborg to fix an I2C issue.
The old versions of and have this line in the imports (towards the top):
The newer versions have these instead:
If you have the old versions you might need to re-download the scripts to get things working :)
The PS3 controller should still be able to pair as well, but it is still a bit of a pain.