Diddy's wildlife safari
Diddy has posted a video of himself on YouTube showing his epic and fully autonomous safari around the ground floor of his (and my) house.
The safari consists of several separate journeys and at the end of each there is an animal which, when Diddy correctly identifies it, tells him which way to go for the next animal. Finally he ends up at his starting position in the Lounge doorway.
Please be patient when you watch the video as Diddy has a large ego and spends several minutes explaining his anatomy before he sets off. Make sure your audio is on!
There are two main elements to the safari part of the video, a continuous shoot taken with a hand held video camera and overlaid on it the screen shots of Diddy's onboard camera, the continuous Lidar map and the Dashboard display detailing distance run, readings from the ultrasonic sensors, compass heading and other useful data.
Thanks to Ben, my grandson, for editing the files into a single video. He did have a slight problem with the synchronisation, Diddy's camera lags slightly behind the main shoot.
I can't claim that Diddy can always find his own way, he particularly dislikes steel central heating radiators which can cause his compass to deviate significantly. If that happens I may have to intervene with the PS3 controller. But not on this occasion!
here's the link: