Physical dimensions
I don't see any information about the physical dimensions of the PiBorg (although I have a rough idea from the photos). Please would specify, either here on the the details page, the physical dimensions of a fully populated PiBorg both with and without a RaspberryPi attached. I'm planning a space constrained robotics project and I need to know if the PiBorg will fit in the space available.

Timothy Freeburn
Thu, 07/12/2012 - 09:28
Physical Dimensions
The board is 80mm x 160mm x approx 35mm high (height of caps + pcb + underside components). The product is designed to fit into an extruded aluminium case (this will be available here soon). There are plenty of mount holes on the board (the underside picture in the more info tab should give you a good idea about these).
The 35mm high is the height of the caps and the pi when mounted is slightly lower than this height.
I will add this specification to the details page - thanks for pointing this out.
Thu, 08/13/2015 - 16:52
How do I register a serial number?
I was thinking of: 040979 or THX1138