No Movement
I would like to know if I may have cooked the Pico board.
I had a student do some soldering for me (said he knew how) and he actually did a nice job but he wired the power supply backwards and I didn't notice until the unit got REALLY hot.
I unsoldered and re soldered the power supply but I get nothing from the unit. No movement, nothing. The Raspberry pie still works fine but there is not life to the robot.
Now it could be just that I have done something wrong with the scripts or the pico board is fried.

Timothy Freeburn
Sat, 03/08/2014 - 17:26
It is possible you have fried the FET's (the smaller black devices of which there are 4), or it could be a fuse, supply or software problem.
If the FET's are dead, replacing them (or the picoBorg) is the only option.
In any case, let's go through a couple of diagnostic steps and if we can't get it working, we'll organise another to send out to you :)
There is a fuse on the PicoBorg. It's a surface mount device which looks a bit like a resistor and is right next to the V+ soldering connection. It's possible it is blown, if you have a multimeter, check resistance across it (it should be near 0 ohms)
Can you check if the I/O pins are turning on and off. Again if you have a multimeter, you could check these pins are going from 0 to 3.3V.
Or if you have another way of checking the I/O pins such as different add on board, this could be useful.
Are you moving a PiCy robot or different motors and is the supply a battery or a power pack?
Tue, 03/11/2014 - 16:05
The fuse is running at a 2
Have not checked the pins yet
I have purchased a piborg kit from you good folks so these are your motors.
I am powering the Raspberry Pi with its own powersource
motors are powered with the battery pack you provided.
More than likely this is something I am doing wrong. Rather than the hardware.
Thu, 04/03/2014 - 19:01
Nope No life
Sorry for the delay in checking the I/O pins. It looks as though the board is alive and well. So I am not sure what is going on. I have only just got back to the project so I will just keep on trying.
Keith Rispin