Running one motor with two channels
The board can handle 55 amps per channel. Would it be possible to run both channels to one motor for a total of 110 amps? Or would that cause feedback issues? I would like to run a three to five hp golf car motor at 36v; I think that would be close to 4kws. If this would not work, do you have any suggestion?
(Sorry, I mistakenly asked this as a reply in another topic.)

Sun, 03/01/2015 - 19:28
Paired outputs
Unfortunately the on-board protection provided by the board is not designed to run in a paired mode and therefore it is very unlikely that it would work properly when used that way.
I am not aware of any motor control boards capable of that level of current available for either the Raspberry Pi or Arduino.
The only options I can suggest are:
You would still need a control board capable of switching the relay input on and off, but you will loose the PWM speed control (relays will not like PWM)
If you can talk to the controller using either I2C or SPI then you should be able to connect it up to a Raspberry Pi, but you may need a logic level converter to the correct voltage
Sun, 03/01/2015 - 23:01
Wow, that was quick. Thank y
Wow, that was quick. Thank you for the response. Unfortunately, I most defiantly need speed control, this is intended for a drive by wire electric boat I am developing. I have a cnc motor controller that would handle the amperage, but it is quite large and does not readily interface with the Raspberry pi. For obvious reasons I like the Pi and other such components for the simplicity, small size and light weight.
Thanks again,