TimeMe - Time a command and compare with a target
We recommend using the new driver free based scripts for LedBorg.
The new driver free examples can be found here, the installation can be found here.
Ever wondered how you can time a command on your Raspberry Pi, or better yet how to make your LedBorg show you how long it took?
Well now you can with TimeMe.py, it calculates the time a command takes, compares it with your target and shows you the results visually:
to 22% |
to 44% |
to 67% |
to 89% |
to 110% target :) |
to 132% |
to 155% |
to 177% |
or more |
Here's the code, you can download the TimeMe script file as text here
Save the text file on your pi as TimeMe.py
Make the script executable using
chmod +x TimeMe.py
and run using
./TimeMe.py time_in_seconds command
./TimeMe.py 0.15 du ~/
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: latin-1 # Import library functions we need import time import sys import os # Function to set the LedBorg colour def SetColour(colour): LedBorg=open('/dev/ledborg','w') LedBorg.write(colour) LedBorg.close() # Function to format a number of seconds into a human readable form def FormatSeconds(seconds): if seconds >= 60.0: minutes = int(seconds / 60.0) seconds -= minutes * 60.0 text = '%d:%06.3f' % (minutes, seconds) elif seconds < 1.0: text = '%03.0f ms' % (seconds * 1000.0) else: text = '%02.3f s' % (seconds) return text # Set up our chart, from 0% of target to 200% of target colours = ['002', '012', '022', '021', '020', '120', '220', '210', '200'] colourBusy = '101' # Get user input if len(sys.argv) > 2: try: target = float(sys.argv[1]) printUsage = False except ValueError: # Not a valid number print '"%s" is not a number!' % (sys.argv[1]) printUsage = True else: printUsage = True if printUsage: print 'Usage: %s target_in_seconds command' % (sys.argv[0]) else: # Form the command from parts command = '' for part in sys.argv[2:]: command += part + ' ' # Start the timer SetColour(colourBusy) before = time.time() # Run the command os.system(command) # Stop the timer after = time.time() lapsed = after - before # Calculate the time statistics if target == 0: ratio = 0 else: ratio = lapsed / target percentage = ratio * 100.0 # Work out which colour to show index = (ratio / 2.0) * len(colours) if index >= len(colours): index = len(colours) - 1 else: index = int(index) # Display the statistics SetColour(colours[index]) print '' print 'Command: ' + command print 'Target: ' + FormatSeconds(target) print 'Actual: ' + FormatSeconds(lapsed) print 'Percentage: %03.2f%%' % (percentage)