Extended chassis - 45 year old Meccanno pieces (my son's, his kids would rather play with their tablets).
Pi 3B
UltraBorg with ultrasound sensors and one servo
TriBorg+ and a PiFace Rack - these give multiple GPIO pins.
2 x BattBorg - needed to drive two cameras.
Gertboard - unpowered, only using the open collector chip to switch the headlights.
2 x torches (headlights) with their own batteries
XLoBorg - only the compass is used at the moment
Amplifier and speaker - so Diddy can talk to the grandchildren, they say he sounds very familiar!
Fixed CSI camera
Webcam on servo
Rotary encoders - mouse scroll wheels, one on each side, software compensates for differential readings.
PS3 controller
Diddy is set up as a WiFi Access Point so that he can be used in the field, I have another portable battery powered Pi with the Pi 7" screen and the "Florence" on screen keyboard to use as a controller but most of the day to day stuff is carried out on my Windows laptop.
Currently I'm working on getting the webcam to scan through 180 deg searching for a fixed (illuminated) target and using the ultrasound to avoid low obstacles (empty coffee tins). The webcam is set high enough to look over them. The intention is for Diddy to reach the target without knocking any cans over and then use the CSI camera to identify an object at the base of the target.
The essential pieces of software are Rasbian Jessie (fully updated regularly), OpenCV 2.9.11 (I think) in conjunction with V4L2, PyGame, including PyGame.Mixer for the sound. Also, of course, the fantastic software provided by PiBorg for use with their fantastic products.
il diavolo
Wed, 10/05/2016 - 20:05
My DiddyBorg pictures
Extended chassis - 45 year old Meccanno pieces (my son's, his kids would rather play with their tablets).
Pi 3B
UltraBorg with ultrasound sensors and one servo
TriBorg+ and a PiFace Rack - these give multiple GPIO pins.
2 x BattBorg - needed to drive two cameras.
Gertboard - unpowered, only using the open collector chip to switch the headlights.
2 x torches (headlights) with their own batteries
XLoBorg - only the compass is used at the moment
Amplifier and speaker - so Diddy can talk to the grandchildren, they say he sounds very familiar!
Fixed CSI camera
Webcam on servo
Rotary encoders - mouse scroll wheels, one on each side, software compensates for differential readings.
PS3 controller
Diddy is set up as a WiFi Access Point so that he can be used in the field, I have another portable battery powered Pi with the Pi 7" screen and the "Florence" on screen keyboard to use as a controller but most of the day to day stuff is carried out on my Windows laptop.
Currently I'm working on getting the webcam to scan through 180 deg searching for a fixed (illuminated) target and using the ultrasound to avoid low obstacles (empty coffee tins). The webcam is set high enough to look over them. The intention is for Diddy to reach the target without knocking any cans over and then use the CSI camera to identify an object at the base of the target.
The essential pieces of software are Rasbian Jessie (fully updated regularly), OpenCV 2.9.11 (I think) in conjunction with V4L2, PyGame, including PyGame.Mixer for the sound. Also, of course, the fantastic software provided by PiBorg for use with their fantastic products.