Battborg and HDMIPI
Trying to use the Battborg and 8 x 2900 mah Nimh AA batteries to power an HDMIPI screen but this setup doesn't seem to have enough power even without the PI attached to the screen.
The PI is supposed to draw 0.5A and the HDMIPI screen 1.0A therefore I assumed the Battborg would be suitable as it can supply 1.5A.
Any ideas?

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 14:07
Battborg and HDMIPI
If you could answer a few of questions for us:
Tue, 11/04/2014 - 14:17
Battborg and HDMIPI
1. PI Model B Rev 1
2. Yes I had a wifi dongle connected.
3. Yes I'm using the provided AA holder.
Fri, 10/31/2014 - 14:20
Battborg and HDMIPI
Having had a quick look at the HDMIPi users guide:
There would seem to be three problems with using the BattBorg to run with HMDIPi:
It looks like the power connection between the HDMIPi and Raspberry Pi is one-way (HDMIPi -> RPi)
The BattBorg provides the 5V which the Raspberry Pi needs, it may not be high enough for the HDMIPi
The BattBorg only supplies 1.5A which is below the 2A requirement
Unfortunately it sounds like BattBorg is unsuitable for use with the HDMIPi.
Tue, 11/04/2014 - 14:19
Battborg and HDMIPI
Ok, I had seen somewhere that that the PI required 0.5A and the HDMIPI 1.0A so I thought the 1.5A supplied by the Battborg would be enough, clearly not, never mind.