Led too bright in HowHotIsMy.py


I'm using the HowHotIsMy.py script to monitor the temperature of the processor but I would decrease the overall brightness of the LEDs, how can I do?

piborg's picture

The simple answer is to reduce the red, green, and blue values.

Add a new setting below the existing ones (lines 31-36):

# A function to turn the LedBorg off
def LedBorgOff():
    SetLedBorg(0, 0, 0)

# Setup for processor monitor
pathSensor = '/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp'    # ...
readingPrintMultiplier = 0.001                          # ...
tempHigh = 60000                                        # ...
tempLow = 30000                                         # ...
interval = 1                                            # ...
brightness = 0.3                                        # Percentage brightness


You can change the value later to change how bright the LedBorg is, for example:

  • 1.0 → Full brightness
  • 0.5 → 50% brightness
  • 0.3 → 30% brightness
  • 0.25 → 25% brightness
  • 0.01 → 1% brightness

Now we add some lines before calling SetLedBorg to apply this value to each colour:

            # Above 100%, use red
            red   = 1.0
            green = 0.0
            blue  = 0.0
        # Set the correct brightness
        red   = red   * brightness
        green = green * brightness
        blue  = blue  * brightness
        # Set the relevant colour
        SetLedBorg(red, green, blue)

You should be able to do the same thing to any of the LedBorg scripts to get the same control.

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