Diddyborg with PS3 and camera as its own wifi server on autorun at boot
I've got DiddyRed with Jessie on board to become its own wifi server so I can view the camera output and run MetalJoy.py or DiddyRedJoy without a problem away from home, I can SSH in and run DiddyRedJoy, use the Bluetooth PS3 etc all without issue.
My version runs just fine when started nmanually but not when set to run a boot
I have tried to get it to run my own version of DiddyRedJoy.py (mower02.py) at boot using systemd following the instructions at http://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/2015/10/how-to-autorun-a-python-script-... and it starts at boot but seems to get stuck or stop before starting the Bluetooth loop
The PS3 still connects to the Pi but the python script seems to exit or stop?
Here is what I get when I run sudo systemctl status myscript.service after it boots
$ sudo systemctl status myscript.service â myscript.service - My Script Service Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/myscript.service; enabled) Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2016-11-09 20:06:32 GMT; 58s ago Process: 721 ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/pi/MBORG/mower02.py > /home/pi/mower02.log 2>&1 (code=killed, signal=HUP) Main PID: 721 (code=killed, signal=HUP) Nov 09 20:06:26 Mower2 systemd[1]: Started My Script Service. Nov 09 20:06:32 Mower2 python[721]: Loading PicoBorg Reverse on bus 1, address 0A Nov 09 20:06:32 Mower2 python[721]: Found PicoBorg Reverse at 0A Nov 09 20:06:32 Mower2 python[721]: PicoBorg Reverse loaded on bus 1 Nov 09 20:06:32 Mower2 python[721]: Loading PicoBorg Reverse on bus 1, address 0B Nov 09 20:06:32 Mower2 python[721]: Found PicoBorg Reverse at 0B Nov 09 20:06:32 Mower2 python[721]: PicoBorg Reverse loaded on bus 1 pi@Mower2:~ $
The code that runs at boot is
[Unit] Description=My Script Service #After=multi-user.target After=bluetooth.service Requires=bluetooth.service [Service] Type=idle ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/pi/MBORG/mower02.py > /home/pi/mower02.log 2>&1 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

Sat, 11/12/2016 - 13:20
Boot scripts
I am not sure why this would not be working for you, but getting things to run correctly at boot can be tricky.
Have you tried adding the script to
Sun, 11/13/2016 - 12:31
Adding python script to rc.local
No, how do I add it to rc.local ?
Mon, 11/14/2016 - 11:04
Adding script to rc.local
Open rc.local using a text editor, such as nano:
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Look for this line at the bottom of the file:
exit 0
Add the script you want to run above the exit line.
You will probably want to use both
and end the line with&
This line should now be run just before the login prompt appears.
If the
is left out then the login prompt will not appear until the script finishes.METTAUK
Mon, 11/14/2016 - 11:44
Auto run python script
Thank you, I tried that and it did not work as
But when I added
It worked perfectly!
So once again thank you for getting me started.