Auto run from bootup
Auto run on bootup.
Hi, I'm trying to make my first robot / r.c car using the zeroborg board. I've managed to get motor's working remotely using a easysmx wifi controller, (this worked straight away, p&p, after hours trying to get a PS3 remote working) At the moment I'm using the "run" script. To load from terminal I enter
cd ~/zeroborg
./runMecanumJoy. sh
This works fine. I would now like to run the script at boot up, but just can not get any of the many ways I've found to work. As a very old python /pi virgin I'm sure it's something simple but wold appreciate any help
This is how I thought it should work.😕
Sudo nano / etc/ rc.local
Then at the end of script above exit 0
Sudo /home/pi/zeroborg / &
Thanks for taking the time to read my post. John

Tue, 11/15/2016 - 11:33
Running from rc.local
It sounds like you are doing the right thing.
Unfortunately Linux is very picky about spellings, spacing, and upper / lower case letters.
It is worth double-checking everything is exactly as below.
The file to edit is:
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
The end of the script should be:
What should then happen is that the script gets run just before the user prompt appears.
If you run the Raspberry Pi with a monitor attached you should be able to see the output.
If there are any problems running the script they should be displayed at this point.
Tue, 11/15/2016 - 21:54
Thanks for quick answer. I
Thanks for quick answer. I've tried many times , making sure I checked every thing, but still can not get it to work. Seems this is a common problem. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time and help.
Wed, 11/16/2016 - 10:43
Shot from bootup
The most likely explanation is that there is some kind of error preventing the script from starting.
If you can take a photo of the monitor once it has finished booting so we can take a look at the messages.
You may need to press CTRL + ALT + F1 to see the text output first.
Wed, 11/16/2016 - 14:16
Would you believe it.
Would you believe it. Decided to format my sd card and do a new install before doing the test above, and it worked first time. Must have been something I'd done over the past few days, but I learnt one thing new , how to look at messages on the monitor. Thanks for all your time. John