Piborg (the first motor controller) and battery pack
First of all - I apologize for double post. I realized my first post was in the "old archives" and not maintained.
I got a piborg that I'm about to install. though I'm wondering if there's any regulation on it out to the motors?
I got 4 3V motors plugged to it, and currently only a 4xAA external battery (thus 6V in total). But I'm afraid that if I only power on one motor, it'll get 6V sent to it and that it might damage.
Would I need to install some sort of voltage divider, or will the motor controller set it to max 3V out to each motor?
Any ideas/answers are appreciated.
Best regards,

Wed, 12/17/2014 - 09:22
PicoBorg power limiting
The PicoBorg will put the full battery voltage to the motor when connected.
There are a few ways around this problem:
To use PWM you will want to get WiringPi2 for Python:
easy_install wiringpi2
You can then use the
functions to drive those pins.I have attached an example control script for PiCy which uses PWM with a joytsick control, limiting the output to 50%.