Using UltraBorg and two Ultrasonic sensors to drive Diablo's two motors
Please help! my code is not working
See my code below:-
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: latin-1 # Import the libraries we need import UltraBorg import time import Diablo # Settings distanceMin = 100.0 # Minimum distance in mm, corresponds to servo at -100% distanceMax = 300.0 # Maximum distance in mm, corresponds to servo at +100% # Start the UltraBorg UB = UltraBorg.UltraBorg() # Create a new UltraBorg object UB.Init() # Set the board up (checks the board is connected) # Calculate our divisor distanceDiv = (distanceMax - distanceMin) / 2.0 # Motor sequence script # Setup the Diablo DIABLO = Diablo.Diablo() # Create a new Diablo object DIABLO.Init() # Set the board up (checks the board is connected) DIABLO.ResetEpo() # Reset the stop switch (EPO) state # if you do not have a switch across the two pin header then fit the jumper # Power settings voltageIn = 7.4 # Total battery voltage to the Diablo voltageOut = 7.2 # Maximum motor voltage # Setup the power limits if voltageOut > voltageIn: maxPower = 1.0 else: maxPower = voltageOut / float(voltageIn) # Loop over the sequence until the user presses CTRL+C print 'Press CTRL+C to finish' try: # Initial settings servo1 = 0.0 servo4 = 0.0 while True: # Read all two ultrasonic values, we use the raw values so we respond quickly usm1 = UB.GetRawDistance1() usm4 = UB.GetRawDistance4() # Convert to the nearest millimeter usm1 = int(usm1) usm4 = int(usm4) # Generate the servo positions based on the distance readings if usm1 != 0: servo1 = ((usm1 - distanceMin) / distanceDiv) - 1.0 if servo1 > 1.0: servo1 = 1.0 elif servo1 < -1.0: servo1 = -1.0 if usm4 != 0: servo4 = ((usm4 - distanceMin) / distanceDiv) - 1.0 if servo4 > 1.0: servo4 = 1.0 elif servo4 < -1.0: servo4 = -1.0 # Display our readings print '%4d mm -> %.1f %%' % (usm1, servo1 * 100.0) print '%4d mm -> %.1f %%' % (usm4, servo4 * 100.0) print # Set our new servo positions DIABLO.SetMotor1(maxPower * servo1) DIABLO.SetMotor2(maxPower * servo4) # Wait between readings time.sleep(.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: # User has pressed CTRL+C print 'Done'

Thu, 02/21/2019 - 08:22
Problem communicating with the Diablo
This error usually indicates a problem talking to the Diablo itself.
The first thing to check is if you have an old or new version of If you open the script in a text editor and find the import lines towards the top you should see:
which means you have the new version which is fixed for recent copies of Raspbian.
If you see this instead:
you are running the older version which does not work correctly with recent copies of Raspbian. In this case you can get the updated version of the script from here:
Fri, 02/22/2019 - 19:44
Diablo and UltraBorg
We already have the new version of the Diablo code which is fixed for recent copies of Rasbian. We are connecting the UltraBorg with the Diablo.
The Ultrasonic sensors connected to the UltraBorg are responding but the Diablo (motors) are not running. The servo pins connector are not connected to anything. On the terminal it is still reading (Failed sending motor 1 drive level) please help.
Fri, 02/22/2019 - 20:41
What happens when you run these commands?
Don't worry, we will figure out what the problem is :)
It would help if we can get the output from the initial connection code.
If you start Python from the Diablo directory:
then run the following commands:
what output do you get?
Fri, 02/22/2019 - 22:15
>>> import Diablo
>>> import Diablo
>>> DIABLO = Diablo.Diablo()
>>> DIABLO.Init()
Loading Diablo on bus 1, address 37
Missing Diablo at 37
Diablo was not found
Are you sure your Diablo is properly attached, the correct address is used, and the I2C drivers are running?
>>> yes
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
NameError: name 'yes' is not defined
>>> print DIABLO.foundChip
Sat, 02/23/2019 - 01:56
ultrasonic sensors to drive the motors using Diablo
Hi! the code works well, everything now works. I found out that there was a loosed 5v from a BattBorg to the Ultraborg. I believe this denied power to the I2C connection to the Diablo??
The only thing now is how do we use a keyboard command to stop the Diablo
Sat, 02/23/2019 - 08:42
Glad to hear you found the problem :)
I am glad to hear you found the problem :)
The Diablo uses one of the 5V pins to power the logic chips on the board, which is why it would not communicate without it.
To stop the Diablo you need to call the
command. If you add it to the last section of the script like this:then you can press CTRL+C and the script should stop both motors before printing done.
Sat, 02/23/2019 - 22:49
Ultrasonic sensors to drive the motors using Diablo
Can you help in modifying the code slightly please:-
I am using all 3 ultrasonic sensors to scan for the distance.
Ultrasonic no.2 is the main sensor.
Ultrasonic sensor 1,2 or 3 can stop the motors, the program then compare the distances collected from ultrasonic sensor 1 and 3.
If Ultrasonic sensor no.1 is closer to the obstacle, then the robot reverses and turns forward in the direction of ultrasonic sensor no.3
The robot then moves forward.
Else if Ultrasonic sensor no.3 is closer to the obstacle, then the robot reverses and turns forward in the direction of ultrasonic sensor no.1
The robot then moves forward.
Mon, 02/25/2019 - 23:38
Any help here will be greatly
Any help here will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Tue, 02/26/2019 - 18:09
Reading sensors
What you can do is read the sensor values and then use
tests to determine what to do. There is a good explanation of how they work here: can get the reverse and turn by performing a sequence of motor outputs with time delays. For example:
The times and speeds can be adjusted to get the reverse distance and turn angle correct :)
Wed, 02/27/2019 - 19:06
Thank you for the steer in the right direction