UltraBorg Missing from i2cdetect
I can not detect the ultraborg via i2cdetect. this is the second ultraborg i have bought and cant see either of them. I though it must be the first board that was faulty and decided to bite the bullet and buy another thinking i must have fried it. I have a thunderborg hooked up after the ultraborg i.e pi connects to ultraborg then connects to thunderborg and i can see the thunderborg at 15. the power for the whole system it via a battery connected to the thunderborg so im 100% sure i have the correct connections and the cables are fine.
I've followed the sites trouble shooting instructions. I have tried adding 10K pullups to the 3v3 rail.
New Pi's and fresh installs. Still cannot detect either of the UltraBorg Boards
Using Pi3B+ with the latest raspbian installed.
Driving me a little mad as its cost me £32 for the boards and a day or two of messing about.
I understand there is a away to recode the Ultraborg PIC and was wondering if I needed to go down that route?
But it must be something i'm missing in the setup. any help would be much appreciated.

Sun, 03/10/2019 - 15:06
UltraBorg not responding
Something else attached to either the UltraBorg or the GPIO might be causing problems and preventing communication.
The first thing to do is check the UltraBorgs on their own with nothing else attached to them or the GPIO port. This includes any servos / sensors that you might have attached to the UltraBorg.
Could you show the output from running
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
with each UltraBorg on its own.djjeffrey
Sun, 03/10/2019 - 20:26
Hi Thanks for the response.
Hi Thanks for the response.
Nothing else connected to either the bus or the board.
With either ultraborg (one at a time) using
i2cdetect -y 1
I get blanks though out the reg addresses.Had a look at the voltages of the bus and confirmed the bus works with my Thunderborg.
I've given up on the UltraBorg (for now), spent the afternoon coding for 4 UltraSonics to install on my DiddyBorg.
Was thinking of making my own ultraborg perhaps with a ardunio nano? or even trying to re code your one with the info you wonderful folk have kindly shared in other places, but that would probably take me months so any help getting these ones working would be awesome. some more info on my set up below.
is a blank file
tried different baud rate at some point - did not see UltraBorg but could see ThunderBorg
I know some of the dtparm's dont need to be on but i did not pick up the UltraBorg before or after but still picks up the other i2c devices.
even tried setting the
no effect
I noticed that i2C_dev and i2c_bcm2708 both have a 0? is that something to look at? they are included in the modules
Thanks again
Mon, 03/11/2019 - 17:35
UltraBorgs not communicating
Are you in the UK?
I ask because it would probably be easier for us to diagnose what is wrong and fix the UltraBorgs from our end. If you are in the UK we would be happy to pay for the postage cost both ways :)