cablare rsp3 con picoborg ultraborg battborg
Salve mi aiutereste nel cablare il rasp3 con le schede pico ultra e batt stavo recuperando un vecchio buggy, ma ho visto che alcuni pin del gpio sono comuni alle tre schede , il pico usa i primi 26 pin del gpio ma anche l'ultra usa i primi 6 pin e battborg userebbe i primi 3 non essendo le schede sovrammetibili come sarebbero i cablaggi?

Mon, 04/06/2020 - 18:26
Connecting BattBorg, UltraBorg, and PicoBorg at the same time
They can all share the same pins, you just need a way to connect them :)
The BattBorg can be directly mounted upside down on the 6-pin daisy-chain connector of the UltraBorg.
There is a mounting hole in the middle of the UltraBorg that will line up with the one on the BattBorg that can be used with the mounting post.
I do not have any images handy, but it works the same as when fitted on a PicoBorg Reverse:

The PicoBorg is a bit more tricky. The easiest way would be to use a TriBorg or TriBorg+ - this would allow the PicoBorg to be connected to one set of GPIO pins, and the UltraBorg can be connected to another set.
Alternatively you could carefully solder the six connections directly to the top of the PicoBorg if you are confident with a soldering iron. These would then connect to the UltraBorg as normal.