Invalid Joystick Button
Hi, I managed to connect the PS4 controller to the raspberry Pi. However, then the file Diddy2Claw.Py is run, I get the following error:
pi@raspberrypi:~/diddyborgv2 $ sudo python
pygame 1.9.4.post1
Hello from the pygame community.
Loading ThunderBorg on bus 1, address 15
Found ThunderBorg at 15
ThunderBorg loaded on bus 1
Loading UltraBorg on bus 1, address 36
Found UltraBorg at 36
UltraBorg loaded on bus 1
Waiting for joystick... (press CTRL+C to abort)
Joystick found
Press CTRL+C to quit
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 248, in
elif joystick.get_button(buttonMeArmDown):
pygame.error: Invalid joystick button

Fri, 09/25/2020 - 09:35
PS4 controller button numbers
The script was written to work with a PS3 controller. Unfortunately the button and axis numbers are not the same for the PS3 and PS4 controllers.
You can find the typical PS4 button and axis numbers listed in our Gamepad library code here:
The numbers the script uses are listed towards the top in the
Settings for the joystick
Fri, 09/25/2020 - 10:48
Thanks. But the instructions
Thanks. But the instructions are slightly unclear. This is the code from from the section you mentioned:
# Settings for the joystick
axisUpDown = 1 # Joystick axis to read for up / down position
axisUpDownInverted = False # Set this to True if up and down appear to be swapped
axisLeftRight = 2 # Joystick axis to read for left / right position
axisLeftRightInverted = False # Set this to True if left and right appear to be swapped
buttonSlow = 8 # Joystick button number for driving slowly whilst held (L2)
slowFactor = 0.5 # Speed to slow to when the drive slowly button is held, e.g. 0.5 would be half speed
buttonFastTurn = 9 # Joystick button number for turning fast (R2)
interval = 0.00 # Time between updates in seconds, smaller responds faster but uses more processor time
buttonMeArmClawOpen = 7 # Joystick button number to open the claw (D-Pad Left)
buttonMeArmClawClose = 5 # Joystick button number to close the claw (D-Pad Right)
buttonMeArmForward = 4 # Joystick button number to move the MeArm forwards (D-Pad Up)
buttonMeArmBackward = 6 # Joystick button number to move the MeArm backwards (D-Pad Down)
buttonMeArmUp = 12 # Joystick button number to move the MeArm upwards (Triangle)
buttonMeArmDown = 14 # Joystick button number to move the MeArm downwards (Cross)
buttonMeArmLeft = 15 # Joystick button number to move the MeArm left (Square)
buttonMeArmRight = 13 # Joystick button number to move the MeArm right (Circle)
This is from the link you posted:
class PS4(Gamepad):
fullName = 'PlayStation 4 controller'
def __init__(self, joystickNumber = 0):
Gamepad.__init__(self, joystickNumber)
self.axisNames = {
0: 'LEFT-X',
1: 'LEFT-Y',
2: 'L2',
3: 'RIGHT-X',
4: 'RIGHT-Y',
5: 'R2',
6: 'DPAD-X',
7: 'DPAD-Y'
self.buttonNames = {
0: 'CROSS',
1: 'CIRCLE',
3: 'SQUARE',
4: 'L1',
5: 'R1',
6: 'L2',
7: 'R2',
8: 'SHARE',
10: 'PS',
11: 'L3',
12: 'R3'
I am unclear how to use the information in the new link to modify the existing part of the code. Could you please explain this in further detail? Thank you.
Fri, 09/25/2020 - 12:52
Changing the button mapping
I have highlighted the relevant sections from both bits of code in the image below.
The idea is to replace each of the axis numbers in (circled in yellow) with one of the axis numbers listed in (boxed in red).
You also need to replace each of the button numbers in (circled in blue) with one of the button numbers listed in (boxed in green).
For example the current code for
uses the triangle button on a PS3 controller:If you want it to use triangle on the PS4 controller you need to find the button number for triangle in
and copy that number over: