ICM 20948 9dof motion sensor
Does anyone know how to setup the icm20948 9dof module. I have a breakout garden mini attached to my Raspberry Pi and have downloaded a zip file of code from Github, but I am not sure about how to get it working.
Do you know how to get this set up?
Thank you

Sat, 09/26/2020 - 20:28
Getting going
I do not own one of these sensors, but here are my thoughts after a quick look.
To get the library installed it looks like you need to unzip the files and then run this command from inside the unzipped directory:
This script should perform the setup for both Python 2 and Python 3 :)
As for using the library, they have provided some short examples. read-all.py shows how you can read all of the raw sensor data from the chip. magnetometer.py takes the raw magnetometer readings and calculates an approximate compass heading.