Questions about code set
Hi PiBorg:
Two questions:
1 - could you please check your LinkedIn messages? I've sent you one and included instructions for what I think would be a better way to communicate rather than ping-pong over an open forum.
2 - (assuming you don't read your LinkedIn messages) I'm examining the code "", and I see that you have GetWithRetry and SetWithRetry where you've created a couple of functions that make up to five passes then gives up. My question - before I go through the onerous PITA of migrating this code to .NET - is ... why? Why does it need to do that?
I haven't received my UltraBorg yet to discover for myself. (It'll be here Monday.)

Sat, 04/03/2021 - 13:03
GetWithRetry / SetWithRetry
Sorry about that, most of the messages I get on LinkedIn are from recruiters so I do not check them very often. I have just read your message and sent a response :)
The repeated retries are probably not really necessary anymore. The GetWithRetry / SetWithRetry code came about for two reasons: