XLoBorg + ThunderBorg
I am doing monocular SLAM with my raspberry Pi 4B and for that I am using ThunderBorg and a Webcam. I need to integrate odometry data into my model but the XLoBorg apparently uses the same pins as the ThunderBorg. So I figured that my only option would be to buy a pin expansion module like the TriBorg. But before I do it I wanted to verify that it is indeed my only option, or am I missing something? Can I for example use jumper wires to connect only the exact pins I need or would it be too much hassle?.
Thank you in advance.

Thu, 12/09/2021 - 10:04
Connection XLoBorg using jumper wires
Good news, you can use jumper wires to connect the XLoBorg via the daisy-chain connector.
XLoBorg only needs four pins connected to work, these are:
The I2C connections (SDA and SCL) need a good quality connection to work properly. Keeping the wires short will help.
Mon, 12/13/2021 - 09:01
Hello, thank you for your
Hello, thank you for your response.
How should my setup exactly look like?. Do I connect my ThunderBorg to my first 6 raspi GPIO pins using one daisy-chain connector and then connect my XLoBorg to the other daisy-chain connector on the ThunderBorg?. Then will the XLoBorg be connected to my pi through the ThunderBorg? Will it be detected with `i2cdetect`?
Thank you in advance!
Mon, 12/13/2021 - 11:26
That's the idea
That's the idea, yes :)
It doesn't matter which connector is used for the Raspberry Pi, they both function the same. Be aware that the pin layout is slightly different between the two connectors (see diagram from before), so double-check the connections before you attach batteries.