Accident Monsterborg
I built a voice-controlled monsterborg, the project worked well.
Yesterday I put the monster on a sideboard to switch it off (headless).
Unfortunately it "heard" something from somewhere and drove over the cliff.
Everything survived the 1.5 m fall, except the chassis got bent.
Do you have by chance a spare chassis? I would appreciate, thanks!

Tue, 03/21/2023 - 10:59
Oh no :(
That's a shame, but glad to hear the delicate parts survived.
I will have a check for you, but I don't think we have any spare chassis.
Wed, 03/22/2023 - 12:37
No spare chassis
We don't have any spare chassis unfortunately, all of the ones we have are either in kits or assembled into robots.
I'm not sure if it would be of interest, but we are thinking about selling the robots we were using for Formula Pi as used MonsterBorgs with all of the parts (Pi etc) at a discount from the normal kit price. If you would be interested, let us know and I will get a price for you :)
Devil p
Thu, 03/23/2023 - 08:08
Thanks Piborg this might be a
Thanks Piborg this might be a good idea because I also intended to longer some of the posts to get easy access to some GPIO ports, some additional winter tires may also be a good choice .-))) ( I don't need really an additional Pi ?!). I hope the additional shipment costs (and taxes ?!) for Germany are not that excessive ... otherwise I have to try to bend the chassis back and hope the Monster drives a straight line.
Thu, 03/23/2023 - 09:42
No problem :)
Send us an email to and we can figure out all the costs etc for you.