Camera 3 on a diddyborg
I had to change the camera on my diddyborg. The new installed camera is a raspberry module-3. This camera does not work, even I updated the the software (rpi-update and raspi-config). I read the "manual" of the official raspberry-website, but I'm not able to run the camera!
Can someone tell me exactly what to do in a easily manner?
Thank You in advance.

Tue, 04/25/2023 - 13:56
Camera problems
This can be a tricky problem to solve as there are a lot of possible issues that can prevent things working properly.
Pi Hut has a troubleshooting guide for camera modules that may help:
If that does not help it may be best to start with a clean install of the latest copy of the OS from the Raspberry Pi site. We have had problems before with older installs that have been updated over a long time.
Fri, 04/28/2023 - 14:18
camera module3
Thank you for Your quick answer.
My problem has been solved with a new camera. The new first used was brocken (??).
Then I used a new SD-card installing a new PI-OS. Then I've installed bash <(curl, then sudo apt-get -y install python-picamera, then sudo apt-get -y install libopencv-dev python-opencv. I'm not shure if the last two sudo apt... are needed for the new camera? This because the sudo python does not work?
Thu, 05/04/2023 - 18:04
Looks like we need to update the scripts
Unfortunately it looks like we probably need to update our scripts to work correctly with the latest Pi OS.
I had another look at getting the new camera module working with older copies of the OS, but it does not look like it will work.
We will take a look at updating our scripts and I'll let you know when we have something :)
Wed, 05/17/2023 - 16:55
Updated scripts
I have made the necessary updates to the ThunderBorg and DiddyBorg examples and updated the downloads on our website. Sorry it took so long.
First you will need to remove the existing scripts:
You can then reinstall the scripts as normal to get the new versions:
It should also install the correct version of OpenCV automatically if needed now.
When I tested this on the current "Raspberry Pi OS with desktop" version no other bits were needed :)
On "Raspberry Pi OS Lite" everything works without other bits except the GUIs.
Tue, 06/13/2023 - 00:26
Camera 3 on a diddyborg
I followed Your steps and I was successfull!
Thank You very much for the quick and competent support!!