Submitted by bobrich on Thu, 10/05/2023 - 12:03
I have a Thunderborg and two of the 35v capacitors have unfortunately been knocked slightly and have completely detached themselves from the board. Is there any way that they could be reattached as the capacitors themselves appear undamaged.
Fri, 10/06/2023 - 12:04
Detached capacitors
Yes, it looks like the capacitors have just become detached from their solder pads.
It should be possible to carefully resolder them back on if the capacitors still have both of their pins intact on the bottom:

This will require either a finely tipped soldering iron or an appropriate rework heatgun. They are not the easiest devices to solder, so it might be best to ask someone who is experienced at resoldering components to PCBs.
Sat, 10/07/2023 - 09:56
Detached capacitors
Thankyou for your response. Is there a video or tutorial which could guide me in attempting the repair with a soldering iron?
Sat, 10/07/2023 - 13:30
Video guide
Here is a quick video where we explain how to resolder the capacitors:
Hope that helps :)
Sun, 10/08/2023 - 13:14
Detached capacitors
Thankyou for a very instructive video. I will have a go and let you know how it goes.