Timeline for updated software
I have ordered a Piborg and am looking forward to using it for brushless motor control.
However great the hardware looks, I'm as interested in the open source software.
Can you provide an update on the full availability of the software?
Also...more tutorials and startup projects would be great.

Timothy Freeburn
Mon, 09/10/2012 - 11:45
Software and tutorials
The software is now available in the source forge repository. We'll keep adding to it as code becomes available. We're also getting some guides together. Videos will be available on the web. First one here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns4P9IQsbwk many more to follow.
We will also run a tutorial on building a simple robot controlled by PiBorg.
As for BLDC / stepper code, we'll be on these very soon.
Please feel free to contribute to the code and forums - the more contribution we get, the better we can make project for everyone.