LedBorg - An ultra bright RGB LED add on board for your Raspberry Pi
If you want to use the old driver based troubleshooting go here.
If you are getting an error about easy_install not being recognised or found, you can use the following command to install it:
sudo apt-get -y install python-dev python-setuptools
The best way to diagnose problems with the LedBorg is to try and control it manually.
If you have followed the install page you should be able to do this quite easily.
First open a terminal and load python using the command:
sudo python
Next import the WiringPi library using:
import wiringpi2
Now turn the red channel on using:
wiringpi2.pinMode(0, wiringpi2.GPIO.OUTPUT)
wiringpi2.digitalWrite(0, 1)
Now turn the green channel on using:
wiringpi2.pinMode(2, wiringpi2.GPIO.OUTPUT)
wiringpi2.digitalWrite(2, 1)
Now turn the blue channel on using:
wiringpi2.pinMode(3, wiringpi2.GPIO.OUTPUT)
wiringpi2.digitalWrite(3, 1)
If the LedBorg went through the colour sequence:
- Permission error trying to run
sudo python
The user does not have permission to use sudo, either give the user sudo permissions or login as the root user and usepython
instead. - Cannot find program sudo
The most likely explanation is you are running something other than Raspbian and do not have sudo installed, login as the root user and usepython
instead. - Cannot find python
You have a cut-down copy of Linux which does not have python installed, either install Python or try the BashLed script to drive LedBorg without Python. - Cannot find wiringpi2
WiringPi 2 has not been installed correctly, see here. - Cannot find easy_install when trying to install WiringPi2
Easy_install probably needs to be installed before trying to install WiringPi2, use the following command:
sudo apt-get -y install python-dev python-setuptools
- The LED comes on and turns off again or it changes colour without being asked
The most likely explanation is something else is trying to control those GPIO pins, common candidates are:
- You have the old LedBorg driver installed, see here for detailed removal instructions (you may need to reboot the Raspberry Pi between steps 1 and 2)
- There is another script controlling GPIO pins (e.g. another LedBorg example), reboot the Raspberry Pi and do not run anything else before performing the diagnostic test
- A driver for another add-on board may be interfering with the GPIO pins, try uninstalling any other drivers one by one until the LedBorg works correctly
- The LedBorg does not come on at all
Check that all of the GPIO pins are connected correctly, you can check the correct orientation of the LedBorg here.
If that is not the problem then the most likely explanation is something else is trying to control those GPIO pins, common candidates are:
- You have the old LedBorg driver installed, see here for detailed removal instructions (you may need to reboot the Raspberry Pi between steps 1 and 2)
- There is another script controlling GPIO pins (e.g. another LedBorg example), reboot the Raspberry Pi and do not run anything else before performing the diagnostic test
- A driver for another add-on board may be interfering with the GPIO pins, try uninstalling any other drivers one by one until the LedBorg works correctly
- One of the colours (red / green / blue) does not work
Check the above list first in case some software is preventing the LedBorg running normally.
If you cannot find the problem it may be the case that the Raspberry Pi has damaged GPIO pins, or that the LedBorg itself is defective.
In the event that you cannot solve your problem, please post here for further assistance.