UltraBorg - Precision servo control with ultrasonic module support
5V supply line voltage ratings
When not jumpered to RPi
- 5V input nominal 4.8 to 6.5V (4xAA batteries)
- 5V input maximum -0.3 to 17.0V
- Also consider ratings of Servos and Ultrasonic modules
IC designations
- PIC16F1828-I/SS
- Toshiba 16bit PWM IC TC62D723FNG
30Hz/60Hz/120Hz Servo operation (Preconfigured to 30Hz. Changing requires Pic reprogramming with PicKit of Program code and Configuration registers
Toshiba TC62D723FNG datasheet
UltraBorg Schematic diagram
Pic Microcontroller datasheet
PIC source code
The code running on the PIC micro-controller can be downloaded here:http://www.piborg.org/downloads/ultraborg/UltraBorg.X.zip
This code was built with MPLAB X v2.00 and the XC8 compiler at v1.30
The PIC can be programmed via the five pin header, pin 1 is marked with a triangle.
We recommend using a PICKit 2 for programming the board.