ZeroBorg - Tiny robot controller for your RPi Zero based robots
- Quad motor controller
- Power input Voltage 2.7-10.8V
- Power output Current Max 1.5A per channel continuous
- Power switch and emergency power off switch connectors
- Speed Control via PWM and bidirectional
- Controls 4× DC motors or 2× stepper motors (4,5, or 6 wire)
- Dual 10bit analog inputs for sensors or pots (range 0-3.3V)
- Optional 5V regulator for powering the Raspberry Pi (requires input voltage of 7-10.8V)
- Optional IR sensor for control by TV remote
- Optional on-board 9V battery connection
- Easily add additional ZeroBorgs to add more motors via stacking or cables
- Uses I2C SCK/SDA and 3.3V/GND pins for communications
- Raspberry Pi Zero not included

Overheat protection, under voltage lockout, and short circuit protection.